RESOLVED: Padding different between home page and other pages at 1440p and up

Hi all,

I’m working on a website and noticed that the logo and nav links in the nav bar are not in the same place on the home page as they are on the other pages at 1440px and up. It is most obvious when switching between Home (by clicking the logo) and any other page at 1920px and up. The font size of the nav links also appears larger on the home page than all the other pages at 1920px. I am using a component for the nav bar and can’t figure out why this would occur.

After digging around and not finding the cause, I noticed that it’s not only the nav bar that changes sizes, but it seems like the padding throughout the entire page changes. This can be seen when comparing container-large nested inside padding-global on the home page vs the same thing on any other page, like Our Story. The content on the Home page is wider, even with the same nested container and padding.

I believe this is all the same issue, but I can’t track it down. Any ideas? I really appreciate any tips pointing me in the right direction!

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