I keep getting this error when I try to export my website. (SEE IMAGE)
Thank you for taking the time to report this, it definitely seems like odd behavior.
To help us locate and reproduce the issue on our end faster, we would appreciate if you can provide additional details:
Which date did you first notice the issue?
Please describe the steps taken leading up to the issue occurring
Upload screenshots/screencast videos displaying the issue
Please share your project’s Read-Only link AND live site’s Published link:
The read-only link is a special url generated in the Dashboard to allow others to view your project in the Webflow Designer. How to get your project’s read-only link?
The published link is the webflow.io subdomain where you can view the live site with any custom code running. It is important to share this link, as custom code does not run in the Designer.
Please also let us know what browser version you’re using by visiting whatismybrowser.com and copying the share link here:
Can you also please try the following:
Try to see if the issue happens while being logged into Webflow using your browser’s Incognito Mode/Private Browsing with all plugins/extensions turned off, so that we can rule out a third-party conflict.
How to start Incognito Mode/Private Browsing:
If the issue still persists, open the browser’s developer console on the page where the issue occurs, take a screenshot, and upload it here as well.
How to open the console:
Critical or very urgent issue?
If your issue is critical or very urgent, please also email Webflow support at support@webflow.com as Webflow staff prioritizes email support over forum support. Include this forum topic’s URL in your email so they can also update the rest of us on the issue and close this topic once it is resolved.
I press export code, it loads for about 10 secs and popups that error.
Thanks for posting about this.
I was able to see this issue on my end as well when working with your site.
I’m looking into this now with the team and will post back here when I have more information.
Thanks in advance for your patience so far!
Any update on this @Brando
Our developers are looking into this one now. We found the root cause of the issue but are still working on a solution.
I’ll post back here as soon as I have an update for you.
In the mean time, we can export your project from our end and pass it along to you if you’d like. That said, it looks like the fix will be pushed by tomorrow.
Thanks for your patience and let me know!
Please export on your end. How would I receive it?
Thanks for your patience and apologies for the delay!
I just sent you a DM with that export.
We should also have that fix pushed by EOD today.
FIXED! Thank you guys so much! Amazing support!
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