Remove from cart option?


Does anyone know how to create a ‘remove from cart’ feature? I’ve designed my whole site only to realise that if someone adds an item to the basket then changes their mind, they can’t click a button to remove it? Seems pretty straightforward but I can’t seem to find any information on it anywhere.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Hi @megan0

when you add a default Cart element to your page, and have some Products created, you should see a Remove link for each item in the cart:

Please let me know if you have additional questions!

Hi @maciejjasinski

I can’t see that on my cart for some reason, I must have messed with something. Could you maybe take a look at my link and see if you know what the problem is? Thank you!

Hi @megan0

when you inspect your Cart in the Navigator, the Remove link is there, but it contains a Text Block that has display set to none, thus is invisible on the canvas:


It also inherits the white color set for all the links, so even if you remove the display: none from the Text Block, you’ll need to update the color as well:

Both the Remove Button and Text Block inside inherit the color from All Links

Please let me know if you have additional questions!

Ah - don’t know how I missed this! Thanks so much!