Relume automatic slideshow not working

Hey everyone,

Got a bit of an urgent request for a relume component I need help with if possible.

Basically the sliding section in the hero of the homepage doesn’t automatically move between each slide. It sometimes does, sometimes doesn’t, and only really works when you click on the tab heading at the bottom. Can someone please help with this? I’m desperate haha

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK]1
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Jacob,

I’m facing the exact same issue. How did you manage to resolve it?


@steventh0massin I have not seen any Relume folks around the forum so I would try to use their public communication channels.

Thanks @webdev, will do.

First thing, check your browser console for any errors when the slideshow acts up. That might give you a clue. Also, make sure all your script files are loading properly and in the right order.