Proper way to set typography

Hello guys,

I have already done multiple websites in WebFlow. And I would love to push myself little further.

What is the proper way to work with Typo in WebFlow, so text is accessible for people who using bigger default font size?

Currently what I am doing is:

Body (All Pages) -
font-size: 10 px (for easier calculation with em)
line-height: 1.3

And everything else I later on rewrite with ems.
I would love to know if it’s ok and if it’s working accessible?

I know I should be working with REMs but I haven’t figured out how it works in WebFlow.
(I have read you should use your base font-size in %, but everytime I have tried it’s kinda messy.)

And also if my default line-height is 1.3… How is it calculated in other elements?

Thanks a lot!

I use this approach quite often; works very well! (especially if you work from a design)

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