Product pages—odd spaces and image size

My product page has an uneven amount of products which seems to be creating odd spaces in tablet and mobile.

Also, most product image widths are correct on tablet/mobile while some are short on width. I must have a setting wrong.

Would love info to how to fix.

Here is my site Read-Only:

What odd spaces? it’s simply centering them in the div. If you want your items to sit to the left simply select the collection list and set the flex parameters to stack to the left.

I’m not seeing any issue with product images either.

I was able to fix the odd spaces.
See screen shot. This happens Chrome or Safari when the site is responsive down to iPad. The top image is not as wide as the image below. The below images is what I’d like. Thank you for your help.

You have the width set to auto. Why not set a manual width?