Problem with shrinking tabs imagery!

Hey all!

I’m going bananas trying to fix this problem some tabs I’ve got on my “features” page - the associated images keep shrinking down to a ridiculously small 21x21px version of themselves and I can see no earthly reason why?!

Please help!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

First of all, awesome work!

On my end everything looks amazing. The Features pages the photos and text layout all look perfect, even when I resize the screen.
I use Chrome on a 27" iMac

I am also having this problem! It’s a nightmare and I am at my wits end. Did you ever find a solution?

Here’s the read only link: Link

I too had this issue and it took me hours to figure out but I did it.
I set my tab panes at 100% width - not auto
I set my images at 100% width - not auto
I set my tab content at 100% width - not auto

Hope this helps someone out there!