Preview images in lightbox reset to example-bg.png

I have a project with many lightboxes with many pictures, today i see, that all pictures in this lightboxes was changed to example-bg.png. In all backups i see this bug too. Please Help!

This problem has returned. All the same.

Sorry about this bug coming back. :frowning: We’ll look into this immediately.

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Hey @Barsik & @Sergey_Polyakov can you please confirm if the images are still displaying correctly on the live sites? We are working to resolve this issue right away, thank you for your patience!

I still see only example-bg.png on my site and on backups of this site.

Hey @Sergey_Polyakov I was just confirming that you see the images when you go to the published site link ^^^. We are working to resolve this asap, thank you!

On published site i see right images only in Light Boxes, that i don’t edit today. If lightbox was just once opened today in Designer, i see example-bg.png in published site. I suppose, problem may be with cyrillic file names.
Sorry for my poor english)

I, too, everything is bad.

Unfortunately the problem still exists. But already the day went.

My client is waiting for the site, but in a way I can not show it.

Help please.

Hello @Barsik, @Waldo, @Sergey_Polyakov, @PixelGeek,

Thanks for your patience, I am truly sorry for the trouble with the lightbox images.

Recently, there was a short window of time, where some lightbox code could not lookup the images from the asset manager. This resulted in preview images to the assets getting replaced by example.png images.

This bug affected a very small number of sites, it was limited to lightboxes that were saved during the “broken” lightbox time window. I am very sorry for the trouble over this.

The original bug that caused the previews to be replaced has since been fixed. The lightbox should be working properly now.

Here are some options to get things with the lightboxes working normally again:

  1. Restore a previously saved version which displays the images correctly (if there is no version to restore to, then proceed with second option). Take a peek at this article:


  1. On the affected Lightboxes, Replace the image for each media item in the list, the preview image will appear correctly.

If you have any questions, please let me know, I am here to help.

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надо было использовать Uploadcare для картинок :slight_smile:

Hi @Barsik, I am sorry for the trouble, if there is not a restore version, you can replace the images in your lightbox, they should still exist in the asset manager. Let me know if you have any questions about that.

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At this point, all the pictures were restored themselves. Many thanks for your help

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Same thing happened to me. All of the images I inserted seem to be gone.

Woe is me! :joy: We’re talking about around 50 images… Do I have to upload all of them again?

Hi @tkister, thanks for getting back to me. To fix those, select each image in the media list, use the Replace Image button. The pictures are still in the asset manager, so no re-upload necessary. Yes though, each one needs to be replaced

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Very unhappy. :cry:

This sentence is just so I can have at least 20 characters.

i need to replace about 100 pictures in one project. I’m aftaid to open another my projects now

What really worries me is the idea that I might lose work again.

I’ve had a a few issues with Webflow, and I’ve had to spend time re-doing work because of bugs and unpredictable behavior. I really want to stay as a customer, but it’s seeming like that might not be a wise choice. Time to take a walk for an hour and chill out…

I have all the images themselves have recovered. And I did not have to change anything.

tkister, don’t worry. Webflow team develops every day and in every way improves the service (by the way is the best). But the development and improvement is impossible without errors. They are at the beginning of a huge way to create the perfect service on site for all designers and programmers of the world. And this path is not easy.

I sometimes get angry too, but not because of errors in the Webflow, but only due to the fact that technical support is very late in responding to my request for help. And in everything else for me Webflow just perfect.