Hello! Love webflow, but I’m running into an issue.
Several years ago there was a thread regarding adding js to the webflow webpage to prevent the body scrolling while the modal window was active.
When I use that code, the issue is not resolved, leading me to believe that the code might be outdated. It initializes, but never reverts back. Also, I had more luck switching position:fixed than I did with overlay:hidden.
Is this script still valid or is there another way to achieve what I’m going for?
I have zero clue why this worked, but instead of ., I used # for my CSS. Classes vs ID’s… even though I’m calling my ID’s with the classes. Interesting. HmMMmM.
just got into this amazing tool and currently playing around to figure out if I’ll use it for my next project.
I implemented the noscroll-solution @PeterDimitrov recommended. Works like a charm in the example, unfortunately I have the same problem as @Cameron_Wilder - reverting body ‘overflow’ : ‘auto’ back to auto, doesn’t work. And I don’t get my head around why that’s the case.
Has anybody encountered the same - maybe in a different context?