Preloader not disappearing in Safari

Hi guys, I need some quick help with my preloader.

For some reason it does not disappear on Safari. When you open our page on mobile or Safari and click on “Zur Anfrage”, “Termin vereinbaren” in our mobile menu or any green button on the page you are redirected to our request form ( But since the preloader is not hidden as it should, there is no way for a user to know that the page is actually ready but hidden.

I hope someone can see the problem!

Here is our Read-Only link:

hi @julian_vierless you should check your ERRORS in console as:

Preloader does not work in Arc, Firefox, Edge and Safari.

following error(s) are identical in all browsers that refuse work with incorrect settings. :man_shrugging:

this is what errors mean.

hope this will point you right direction be able solve your issue.

Fix this error and come back if issue will still persist. ;)

Hey Stan,

thanks! It looks like the error comes from Google Ads.

I disabled Google Tag Manager and now the errors are gone. But the preloader is still covering everything and does not disappear.

I was now checking what is a difference and Safari use only opacity: 0 but doesn’t apply display: none as is missing in rendered style. A logo only shows when I apply display: contents . At least some starting point.

One more thing: In past the preloader has to be in project as initial state block or what ever but not none . You can try this but you need also check animation/interaction as init state now will be changed.

So when you have preloader you will hide it temporarily be able work on page but before publish you will change it back.