Please need help on a slider

hey, i trynna make a website for a client but there’s this one slider that is impossible to design.

In this image, you can see that by clicking on the arrows, the elements at the top (the large images) will display two items at a time from the bottom (the smaller images). This allows you to view different combinations of the elements in a more interactive way.


You’ll need to give an example, or explain how the slider is meant to work.

In this image, you can see that by clicking on the arrows, the elements at the top (the large images) will display two items at a time from the bottom (the smaller images). This allows you to view different combinations of the elements in a more interactive way.

I see, similar to a lightbox UX, but with 2 up as the primaries and no lightbox overlay?

You might look at using a lightbox library for this like Fancybox, but it may have a popup / overlay behavior.

Some swiper libraries like swiper.js or splide can likely do the thumbnail-based controller rather than the typical numbered / dots.

You could also build this using 2 instances of swiper.js, one as the controller, one as the primary.