Hi everyone,
I’ve been browsing through countless tutorials and forum threads and haven’t found something to help.
I want the stars background on my website to move based on mouse movement, like this:
The closest tutorial I found was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aXVcSkBEsk
and it didn’t work. I thought it was because Dropbox no longer renders html files, so instead I just pasted the code directly into webflow, but still nothing.
I’ve tried using the webflow interactions, Trigger- Mouse movement, Move-BackgroundStars, and setting the respective 0% and 100% x and y positions, but it turns out jumpy. And now that I sign back in to check today, it doesn’t even do any movement.
Preview link: Webflow - Melissa's First Project
I’m referring to the home-test2
Please help!
Update** Figured it out! (not sure how to take down post)