Overflow Hidden Not Working On Smaller Screens

So in the “Services” section on the site when you click winter/summer the services slide over and the outside wrapper is set to overflow hidden so that there isn’t any white space to the right and so you can’t see the services off the screen. In the designer, it works fine. But when I test it on an actual phone, whether it’s an iPhone or Android phone, the overflow hidden doesn’t work and you can scroll side to side with tons of white space. Also, on mobile when you tap “Winter” it doesn’t you scroll down. The only way to move down the page is if you click the nav links. Does anyone know why this is happening? I tried putting overflow hidden on basically every element and nothing has worked.

Thanks for any insight in advance!

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/landscaping-3ce8a1?preview=417c5f38796bd607a606fa52993dade8

Anyone got any ideas?

I believe you have to set up witdh for site wrapper div. Otherwise doesnt make sense to use overflow -hidden ?

Didn’t help unfortunately

can you share live link ?


My bad forgot to put it in the initial post

@PHRyan Sorry for delay. I see that you have fixed your issue. As it works now on mobile. What was the reason?

No worries! It was the simplest thing of course. I had to set the position of the outside wrapper to relative and bam like magic it worked. Thanks for your feedback!