Optimal Display for Mobile: Adjusting Slider Item Count on Webflow

Hi there,

In the design of my home page, I’ve incorporated a section featuring sliders showcasing various awards. I have up to 7 sliders and each slider contains up to 4 items, with each item structured as a div block housing an image and a title. Initially, I arranged these div blocks within each slider using flex display, allowing them to appear side by side in a centered alignment.

However, upon transitioning to mobile view, it became apparent that displaying four items side by side using flex wasn’t aesthetically pleasing. As a solution, I modified the display to grid on mobile devices, presenting the four items in a 2x2 grid format.

Despite this adjustment, I find that the grid display of four items per slider on mobile view isn’t optimal for my design preferences. I would like to explore the possibility of reducing the number of items per slider specifically for mobile view. Ideally, I aim to display only two items per slider on mobile devices, even if it necessitates incorporating additional sliders.

Any guidance or insights on achieving this adjustment would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Here is a link to my Read-Only site: Link