No webpage CMS Images showing up on Google Search Results

Hi everyone! I moved my website from Wordpress to Webflow for a number of reasons. Webflow has been great, but I am struggling to get my CMS webpage images to show up on Google Search. Here is an example below. I used to rank #1, but now rank #5 and have no photo showing up.

I do have my Open Graph Image selected, but there is no SEO Image option for photos? Any advice on this would be very very very helpful. Thanks!

Google algorithms determine when to display an image based on several factors. If the algorithms believe that displaying an image would benefit the user and it meets certain quality standards, along with having metadata closely aligned with the search term, it can enhance the search experience. However, it’s important to note that there are no guarantees, as we can only make educated guesses about how the algorithm operates.

Questions about Google and search are best researched at Google Search Central.

Thanks for the info. Yeah, that makes sense. Just a lot different than what I am used to with WordPress. My images would be in the search results so quickly. It seems like Google doesn’t understand how to access my website’s images or at least not easily. I have noticed many Webflow sites have the same “issue.” That said, I will try making changes and just give Google time too

@Tom_Riley - Webflow stores assets on a CDN and modifies the file name. WordPress does not change the file name and stores uploads to a folder within the site. So there are potential impacts.

I would make sure that the uploaded file filename is relevant to the post, and you add a title and alt description. It can also help if the image is placed close to the main heading and lede content.