Hi, I am pretty new to WF working on the layout of an upcoming e-commerce website.
(Designs are prototypes designed in ID)
I need help and guidance with the following.
1. Tablet / Desktop View
• Color & Size Filter Icons: How do I set up color and shape (sorting) filters?
• Sorting (by Price) Dropdown: Is there a way to add a dropdown for sorting
• Quantity: Can the quantity button be designed as a dropdown menu (instead of what comes as default by WF)?
• Chat: What’s the best (and nicest) chat plugin avail?
2. Mobile View
• Variation: Is it possible that the variation button (such as Color & Size) is NOT a dropdown menu, but separate buttons (see prototype below)?
• SMS: How do I set up SMS messaging for the viewer as a form of contacting the seller?
Looking forward to your advice and experience.
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)