Nested CMS collections not rendering all CMS items

I am using nested collection in the Deal Template page which is Dataroom->Files Collections. The Dataroom collection is connected to Deal and Files as collection references.

I have added 7 items in the Files collection and it is linked to the Dataroom collection. When I rendered these Files collection items on the Deal Template page it showed only 5 files.

I am not using any limit items. But not sure why it’s not showing 7 items. Maybe it’s a Webflow Bug.

Here is my public share link:[…]5ad9a3dcde0c871bf&itemId=65f88de2c3e517b51cc32b5d&locale=en)

Hey @LissanHaider, this is a current limitation – nested collection lists can only display up to 5 nested items. I recommend checking out Finsweet’s CMS Nest Attribute if you need a work around.

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