Need help with background video code

Ok so several issues with your code, but none that we can’t correct ツ

  1. there are closing characters missing
  2. there are formats missing (you only have an MP4 video linked twice, you also need, OGG and Webm formats)
  3. there is no poster image declared
  4. the image you declare doesn’t work (the link doesn’t work)

Here is a working code (I use a placeholder image for example)

<video width="640" height="360" preload="none" controls poster="">
<source src=" compressed.mp4?dl=0" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />

Note how the poster image is declared.

So you’ll need as much <source> line as you have video formats. Usually for html5 video we put mp4, Webm and Ogg formats, plus a poster in jpg.

The links you put in your code must work when you type them individually in a browser. For instance, this one: image web optimized.jpg does not.

I wrote a post about html5 videos recently, here is the link. Can you try all this and come back to tell me if you got it to work?