Need 1on1 Tutoring and help finishing portfolio site in progress

Hello, I’m looking for help finishing my website, but I want to learn how to do it myself, so in this way I can learn to use Webflow better. In addition to getting the architecture of the website in more finished shape, I also need to make it responsive and understand the best practices techniques for doing that. The website is decently far along. I want the skeleton of the website to be finished, so I can just add the content, which is all going to be brought in as embedded html. You can see the site in progress at this link:

I’m hoping that the use of some chatting software or screensharing software would be a good platform for having the tutoring conversations, once we agree to move forward.



I think you’ll find that bring in embedded html will likely cause problems, especially when it comes to responsiveness. Webflow is very fast in creating sites and it might be worth the time and practice to essentially copy the site you have into webflow.