Navigation bar disappear animation

I’ve been working on a seamless way to animate my nav bar from transparent to white. After a while, I stumbled upon this site ( and really like how they made the transition both for the bar itself but also for the logo and text. Do any of you know how I would be able to create something similar or have a similar example at hand I could look at?

My site atm:


I can help you, if you want.

  • go to your “Navbar”
  • double-click to get in the symbol
  • select “Navbar”, go to “Background” and set color “transparent”
  • put a “div” in “Navbar” ( This going to be your new background"
  • set a “width” of “100%”, set “position” to “absolute” and “full”

Now you need an interaction “while scrolling…” and set “” form “0” to “100”