Navbar Current State not showing

Hi All,

My navbar is not displaying the current state of the page it is on. I would like the current state to display the blue lines which is the same as the hover state. I had it previously however I’m not sure why the current state is not automatically generating them now.


Here is my site Read-Only:

Hi Shaun,

In order to see the current state, you need to be in that page.

The “Resume” button does not show the current state because it is linked to a .pdf file.
The “Other” button shows the current state when you’re in the “Other” page.
The “About” button also shows the current state once i open the “About” page.
The “Home” button does not show the current state because it is linked to a section, not to the actual “Home” page.

Hope this helps,

Hi Kimmy,

Thanks for the clarification. However, when I am in the about page or home page the navbar link isn’t showing that we are currently at that page. This would be indicated by having the blue lines surround the About Button, such as when you are hovering over it.


Hi Shaun,

The issue is that you’re using divs styled to look like lines, and i’m not sure you can affect those divs by using the “Current” state.
You mentioned you had this done earlier? How exactly did you do it?

Also, quick note: Perhaps you should consider having an actual “home” button in your navbar, because when i clicked on the about page, there was no link to go back to the home page, or maybe i missed it?


Hi Kimmy,

I’m not too sure, at first it automatically applied a current state that worked, but I had to remake the buttons because the current state was showing on the wrong buttons. Thanks for the tip I will make those changes


Hey Shaun,

If you wish to have lines around the link once a page is active, you could use the border attributes and display a top and bottom border with the same color and size as your styled lines, but to achieve this you would have to have the current state, which you don’t have on the “Resume” link and the “Home” link, due to the fact that those links are not linking to any page.


Hey Kimmy,

Assuming I change to have current states on everything except the resume button, shouldn’t the lines be showing as current anyways ?

Hey Shaun,

You mean the lines that are, effectively, divs? Those aren’t affected by the current state, however you could use combo classes on each page (like home, about, etc) to simulate the current state.

Like when you’re in the about page, you’d set a new combo class and then style the divs to make it seem like that’s the active link.
