Nav menu on mobile

Hi everyone, for some reason I still can’t get my mobile menu to just fill the full page.

It kind of just gets cut off for some reason.

Any help would be very appreciated!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - WeStrive App Website

Hey Cory!

Right now the nav menu has a set height in pixels causing it to cut off.

Set it to auto.

Then, and depending how you want it to work/look, you can add a max height (eg 100vh)

Amazing! I’m still testing my web menu but I think that might have worked.

I’m actually working on making my web menu way smaller. It’s been awhile so I can’t remember how I made it full-screen in the first place. Can you help me get it to be less than 100% of the screen width?

Amazing! I’m still testing my web menu but I think that might have worked.

I’m actually working on making my web menu way smaller. It’s been awhile so I can’t remember how I made it full-screen in the first place. Can you help me get it to be less than 100% of the screen width?

try setting the left position of the Nav Menu to Auto
(I know it’s at auto but click it to force it).
It should do the trick :slight_smile:

So I’m trying that, and it’s moving the block, but for some reason it’s still covering up a screen’s worth of the page so it just goes off screen

can you show me?
cause it don’t get the pushing issue (at least in the designer)

Sorry I mean for the web version, not the mobile/ipad. I can’t get it to not be a full screen thing, no matter how much I shift it.

not sure why replies only work half the time

Hey Cory!
I tried and somewhat managed to fix your issue but I’m not happy with how I did it.

I’ll retry and hopefully give you a proper answer soon.

Unless someone else can help first :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Yeah I did a kind-of fix and just removed the dropdown menu. Hoping to get it figured out eventually lol

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