Nav menu links don't work on tablet and mobile view

I have a problem with the nav links on tablet and mobile breakpoint.
They are not clickable on the live site but are clickable on the webflow preview mode.
Also the menu is “open on hover” that also works in preview mode but not on the live site when you shrink the desktop window to the tablet breakpoint.

I don’t know what to do… everything has links and should work, like it is working in the preview mode.

Here is my site Read-Only:

Here is the live site:

Hi @TomKorth It looks to me that closing nav is triggered by your custom function. This function trigger click() on mouseenter and mouseleave on any anchor <a>. As it is JS functionality that is active only on your published page it doesn’t have effect in your preview mode as JS is not running. This part need revision.

I have come to this conclusion as nav will close even when you hover over logo that is wrapped in anchor.

CleanShot 2021-11-12 at 20.49.16