Nav Bar interaction doesn't work on most pages

Hello Webflow friends,
My website is a work-in-progress. I made a Nav Bar I like that slides when the page is scrolled. It works great on the Home page but not on most other pages. How can I fix this?
Thank you!

Hello @michaelriley, so your nav bar animation doesn’t work in some pages because it is not set on those pages. Your animation is a page animation so even if you use a component you still have to enable the interaction to work on each page. Go to the interactions panel of a page where the animation is not working and select a page animation when the page is scrolled
Screen Shot 2024-07-17 at 9.04.16 PM
Then when page is scroll down and up select start an animation and select the existing animations

And that should make it work. I hope this helps!

Hi Pablo, thanks so much for looking into my question! I thought page animation interactions would travel to any other page I placed the Nav bar component, but I guess not. I will enable the page animation interaction on each page as you describe. Thank you again and have a great evening!

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