My guess is that you’re approaching breakpoints haphazardly, jumping around and styling. It’s important to understand that styles inherit from the larger breakpoints to the smaller ones. In a normal resolution site, that means Desktop → Tablet → Mobile-Landscape → Mobile-Portrait, like this…
That flow is GENIUS when you use it properly, because it aligns with the way CSS media breakpoints actually work. But if you try to ignore that inheritance mechanic, you’ll suffer.
Jumping around is bad for your process because if you style Mobile-Portrait first, and then jump to Tablet and make a styling change… Mobile-Portrait is going to try to inherit those changes. As a result, you will probably see unanticipated impacts when you switch back to Mobile-Portrait.
The best approach is to design top-down.
- Design for desktop ( or your largest breakpoint ) first. Make that look the way you want- every part including navigation.
- THEN, switch to Tablet view, and make styling changes you need to fit that breakpoint. Those changes will propagate down to the mobile views.
- THEN, switch to Mobile-Landscape view, and do the same. Your changes will override the styles inherited from Tablet, and will propagate to Mobile-Portrait.
- THEN, switch to Mobile-Portrait, and make your final adjustments… grid layouts, font sizes, margin widths, whatever you need. Changes you make there won’t break anything in the larger breakpoints
Once you get this, the design process becomes a joy in Webflow.
And to the Squarespace comment- yeah, you chose a Ferrari, and it drives differently. Power comes with a learning curve… I had the same confusion when I started with Webflow.
Two final tips for you;
In steps 2, 3, and 4 above, pay particular attention to your mobile navigation menu. Expand it, and make sure it make sense. You generally can’t see it in Desktop view, and it’s the central navigation experience for people not-on-desktops. At each breakpoint, you may need to change menu button sizes, etc., or even hide items on mobile to make it more navigable.
In steps 3 and 4, do your design work but then publish and look at the demo site on a phone. You’ll see important differences, that are not visible in the designer. Ideally, view it on both iOS Safari and Chrome Android.
Those strategies make the difference between a good site and a great one.