My button doesnt trigger lead pixel event

My pixel can not detect the pixel lead after press the lead button. I can find the not activated pixel lead when check the website using pixel helper. Here is the code i embed to my button.

Lead button ID : Belisekarangbutton (yellow button with “Beli Sekarang”)

R there any mistake i made in the code?


Here is the read only link

Read only link… The last one i posted seems not working…

Hi @Adhi_Wiratama, thanks for your post. The pixel only fires on the published site, could you help to share the link to the published url?

Thanks in advance

Thx for ur reply…

It looks like the FB event pixel code is loaded, but I am not sure which button you have setup for the lead tracking, see here:

Could you please let me know which element on the site has the lead code added?

Hi Cyberdave - This isn’t my thread but I’m having the exact same trouble and am hoping you could help. Here’s a link to my published page: Navigator Creative | Membership Websites | Web Design Services

The button I’ve tagged (with ID “submitButton”) is the form submit button from the “Apply Now” popup under the pricing section.

Here’s my header code:
<script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById(submitButton).addEventListener('click', function() { fbq('track', 'Lead'); }, false); </script>

I appreciate your help!