Hi there
Its my first time writing here in the forum so im sorry if theres missing any details!
I need to realize a project with a multistep-form-checkout. I dont know if thats a thing but its the closesd thing which describes my need. Basically i need like a multistep form with the ability for the customer to fill out the Multi-step-form (like name, email, adress, budget, upload-field etc.) and then proceed to a checkout where he can pay.
Here in Switzerland there is a online-shop, which actually is the excact thing what i need. The website is: Flyer drucken | Königlich drucken bei der Printzessin
Is there a way to create this with Webflow? Im okay with third-party-apps or custom-code as long it is fully customizable and work flawlessly with Webflow.
Thanks for any help!