Multi-page / multi-step signup form

Hi all,

I’m struggling to put together a basic multipage signup form. I am certainly not the first to ask this but the other answers haven’t quite included enough information to get me there. I listed some prior forum posts and examples below for reference.

I am basically aiming for this: Form 1. A two-page form that takes the data from page 1 and passes it to page 2 with a final submission button. I’m comfortable grabbing and passing URLs via javascript. Some specifics that would be nice to have:

  • A custom waiting text on the ‘next page’ button
  • A pause/wait on the first ‘next page’ button to make sure users read the waiting text
  • Basic validation on both pages (email, phone number)
  • Using the form success message setting as usual

Is anyone willing to write up a brief tutorial that offers a bit more detail than the description on Signup forms across multiple pages - #2 by samliew?

Thank you so much in advance!


Past forum posts:

Some great examples:


I would clone this site that @SidneyOttelohe created and take a look at it from the inside out :slight_smile:
Do this while walking through the information here:

Works great and it’s beautiful.

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Also take a look at this for the second page (if you set first page’s form to submit to second page):

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Is there a way to do that multi step form with required fields? I can blow through the “Experimental multi-step” .

I actually used this multi-step-form but the crucial part of the multi-step form is validating the input fields. I can see this working via having signup forms across multiple pages because it’s using forms in each page but is there a way to do this via the slider version?

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With custom code, yes there is a way :slight_smile:

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