To make the form is accessible on all devices it is required set the “modal-background” to “Absolute” in order to make the content scrollable. However, this results in the background not covering 100% of the screen. The author of the tutorial mentioned that “There are ways to fix this”. Can someone post a solution for this? (If the background is set to “Fixed” then the content of the modal cannot be scrolled on smaller devices.)
Thank you.
_The Webflow team mentioned (years ago) that they plan to implement a modal component to Webflow. What is the status on that?
In future if you want faster replies and more accurate answers, I suggest including all the details listed in the link above before someone has to ask.
Unfortunately certain details such as a shareable link or screenshots could not be made public.
First things first, the issue has been resolved.
The problem I had was that the background of the modal window from this tutorial [Tutorial] How to create a modal/pop-up in Webflow did not stretch 100% to the bottom of the browser window when scrolling. The solution (very well hidden in the middle of the thread) has also been posted in the thread mentioned above.