I was hoping someone out there might have a lead or two on a challenge I am having as it relates to modals. I am trying to replicate the behavior that when a user clicks a product card on a page it loads a modal that is the product detail page for that product. I think via a couple of other Webflow sources, I get how I can do this using interactions and showing and hiding a div (E-Commerce Quickshop Modal Pop Up - #8 by gregorb2)
But, what I am trying to do is actually have the link of the product detail page show up in the browser once the modal opens so that a user can also then copy and paste the link.
- Dynamically loading the CMS collection template page for the clicked product in a modal
- Having it so that when this loads, the browser’s url actually changes as if you’ve gone to that product detail page
Any thoughts/leads greatly greatly appreciated.
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)