Mobile Landscape uses Desktop Breakpoints

I have a simple issue with this site I am working. Everything looks great in the designer.
But on the physical iPhone, the Landscape orientation uses Desktop Breakpoints instead of mobile landscape.
Is there something I did wrong in the designer, Is there a way to work on this? Do I need custom code?


Here is my read-only link and actual site

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Webflow uses media queries not device detection. The breakpoints are defined in the designer. Some iPhone viewport dimensions are larger then the breakpoints defined for mobile, thus the issue. Custom media queries can be used.

Thanks for your reply. Does custom media queries means custom code to redefine the breakpoints?

Webflow isn’t making sense to not use iPhone as mobile website standards when the discipline of web design, UX Design have solid foundation with the Apple OS…

Webflow built its core media queries based off Bootstrap’s. Lots of devices exist today that didn’t then. Custom code is always an option but you can’t add cost om breakpoints in the designer.