Mobile Core Web Vitals

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to improve Core Web Vitals in Google Search Console which turned out to be quite a challenge if you have Lottie animations or any other kind of animation.

What I can’t figure out though is why there is no information about Mobile Core Web Vitals - 0 good URLs, 0 poor, 0 need improvements.

The same thing happens when I do a speed test for example on

There is No Data for Discover what your real users are experiencing. And I have tested pagespeed with multiple Webflow websites, also from Webflow Experts list and most of them don’t have this data.

So it seems it is connected to webflow somehow. Has anyone had the same problem? Well obviously there is a lot of websites without this information but has anyone managed to solve it and get this data in?

@Lenart_Lipovsek - I keep an eye on client sites and usually test regularly. I don’t see the same issue. Maybe you should try lighthouse in your browser or GTMetrix for more insight and to check if this is an isolated issue.

I have this experience too. Lenart did you ever figure out if it’s actually a problem, and how to fix it?