Menu not displaying on ipad or mobile view


I have been building a site that was on made on WordPress. I have been recreating everything the same as much as possible. The problem I am having right now is the menu behavior on iPad and mobile. I kinda manage to make it look the same, but when I test it, it won’t open or gets messy. At this point, I am thinking of redoing the menu from scratch, but if someone could take a look and give me a suggestion, it will be very appreciated.

Site on WordPress:

Here is my public share link:

Hi @Sebasgaes

I recommend building out the hamburger menu interaction manually instead of using the default interaction for this. You can do this by using the nav bar trigger:

You can recreate the button to affect a different element–menu. Then have the menu’s initial appearance be off screen to the left, and move right back onto screen.

You can reference this site to build out the custom hamburger icon interaction.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the reply Brando, so should I remove any single default menu and start from scratch: Create the menu icon interaction, create the menu link container and set it off screen to the left and make it appear with a navbar interaction using that div and hamburger menu?

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Yes I think that may be the best way to achieve that build.

At least that is how I would prefer to build it, there may be other ways :slight_smile:

Sorry to bother so much, how can I create all the menu without affecting the visual in desktop? Thanks

Hi @Sebasgaes no worries :slight_smile:

Here is quick video on how you can make this without affecting desktop

Hope this helps!

Thanks Brando, you rock!!

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Happy I could help :smiley:

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