Hey there,
I checked webflow template and saw the menu bar (pics below). At first the menu bar has transparent background (i forget what’s that called) and when you scroll down it’s become fix. This is exactly what I want to do with my site. Do you know how to do that?
I guess making the menu bar sticky would work for making it fixed when scrolling
and for the color you can add a page interaction while page is scrolling to change the color.
Sorry, I cant make a video at the moment, To change color, use the page interaction while scrolling.
Follow the above video, but replace the trigger to While page is scrolling and animations to background color.
add two bg color keyframes:
1st at 0% with bg color set to transparent or the color you want.
2nd at 4% (set % accordingly when you want the color to change) with bg color set to the color you want.
the percentage denotes how far you have scrolled
0% = at the top of the page, 100% = bottom of the page, 50% = middle of the page.