Make full height grid

Hi all, I just started to use Webflow and am confused how to properly set the height of the grid. I want it to be full height of the layout but it only stuck at the top of the page.

I already changed the width and height of the grid to 100% but nothing changed.

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK]
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @kaixas,

You can set the ‘grid’ element to height: 100VH if you want the grid itself to take up the entire viewport: Webflow - Paperless 2022-05...

You could also set the height of the row to 100VH instead of the height of the grid if you want that row to take up that height:

This will all depend on the content you want to use but hopefully this will allow you to play around with those values.

You may also find this helpful: CSS width & height, object-fit, overflow, and CSS units (ems, rems, vw, vmin, fr, ch, and more) - YouTube

Hope this helps!