Lottie Animations Export Of .mov or .mp4

Hello, I tried exporting .mov and .mp4 videos as Lottie Animation via the Bodymovin plugin.

However when I upload it in Webflow the animation doesn’t appear but Webflow identifies the duration of the video.
I was wondering if it is even possible to convert regular videos into the Lottie format?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

hi there.


this is the original animation:

the file’s size is 1920x1080
I uploaded it to After Effects,
exported via Bodymovin and uploaded into Webflow (the file’s name ‘data1.json’:

in Webflow it doesn’t play after publishing the website:

Please don’t be confused the by the page name (Mobile Test). I am trying to run this animation first of all on the Desktop View.

Is there an additional information required?


UPDATE: I found what I was doing wrong. This video explains how to export videos into Lottie.

First you need to convert it into image sequence before using the Bodymovin plugin, while I was exporting the video directly.

however after I exported a 1920x1080 image sequence of 4 seconds length my file’s size is 270MB… and I chose compressing of 60 out of 100…

Do you know how I could reduce the size of the final JSON file?

If you want to convert videos to lottie online, you could use this, but you really would want to use the Bodymovin plugin. I’ve found that converting can lead to dropped frames, flickering, and needing to use Canvas instead of SVG…

An option from your question
I was wondering if it is even possible to convert regular videos into the Lottie format?
So alternate option can be as follows. They have API to convert lottie to video.