Lottie animation is laggy

I’m designing a portfolio website, and I’ve added Lottie animations creates on after effects.
Even though the json files seems big to me (11 mb on desktop, 6mb ob mobile), they run quite smooth on my Mac and pc, on chrome.

However, I opened it on safari on my Mac, and it was super laggy and flashy.
And the same on any mobile browser. What is the issue? Am I missing something?

Here is my public share link:
[1]: https://gab-digital-solutions.webflow.io/
[2]: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/gab-digital-solutions?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=dashboard&utm_content=gab-digital-solutions&preview=ab7d05a2e2bdca6f4fb54432e424d56d&mode=preview

Also having the same problem, except my JSON file is very small too. It’s only 140 KB. It lags like the frame rate is very slow, but interestingly when I change to a smaller breakpoint it plays smooth.

Very odd.

I also have the same problem, has everyone solved it yet? I am building a web for a high tech company here’s the preview https://albistech.webflow.io/. It’s very laggy on my phone