Looking for designer to build website from stock template

I have a online magazine. Need to update the website, can someone pelase contact me who can help. Thank you!

@Kosta_Ikonomou were you able to solve your problems or are you still looking?

I will help you in designing your website

I will be very happy to assist you in this

The job is quite small do you have a minimum?

Hello, I hope you are doing great !

It would be a great pleasure to help you.

Please reach me at nicole (at )cisinlabs (dot )com

You may also add me over Skype : live:nicole_15269

Best regrads,


Hi Nicole the job is quite small. Do you have a minimum?

Yeah, Sure, Can I get some more details for what all you need.

Catch me over nicole@cisinlabs.com or add me over skype live:nicole_15269

Wish to hear you back all again soon.

With regards,

I don’t have a minimum but would of course love to know a little bit more about the details and how small the job really is. Just send me a PM and we can have a chat or call - whatever you prefer.

Sunny greetings from Fuerteventura

PM Sent Please Check

okay I sent you an email to your company inbox

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