Looking for a experienced 3d Interactions Freelancer :)


I’m looking to implement a 3d cube that rotates on hover, only showing front facing sides, so each side shows one image, the problem that I have implementing this is that when I rotate the cube the size of the next front grows in size, making it look weird.

Thank you!



Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hello Pablo.

I just sent you a PM.

Have a great day

Hello Pablo,
Sent you PM.
Anna J

Hi Pablo,
This sounds like something right up my alley of expertise and I would be happy to help you.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson56782@gmail.com
Best Wishes,


Thank you for your response, a guy contacted me and I’m working with him but I’ll keep your contact details, thank you very much!

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Thank you for your response, a guy contacted me and I’m working with him but I’ll keep your details.

Thank you very much!