Linking to correct playstore not 100% working


I have a banner that pops up after 8 sec. This is normal. When clicking on the banner, it should send you to the apple or google play store, dependent on which device you use.

No matter what I do, it’s never 100% working. Or it’s sending you on both devices to the apple play store or on both devices to the google play store. Or it is only showing the android banner etc.

Custom code I use:

#ios-link, #android-link { display: none; }
> <script>
>   document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
>     var iosLink = document.getElementById("ios-link");
>     var androidLink = document.getElementById("android-link");
>     // Functie om het mobiele besturingssysteem te detecteren
>     function getMobileOperatingSystem() {
>       var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera;
>       // iOS detecteren
>       if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) {
>         return "iOS";
>       }
>       // Android detecteren
>       if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) {
>         return "Android";
>       }
>       return "unknown";
>     }
>     // Besturingssysteem van de gebruiker detecteren
>     var os = getMobileOperatingSystem();
>     // Op basis van het besturingssysteem de juiste link tonen en instellen
>     if (os === "iOS") {
> = "block";
>       iosLink.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
>         event.preventDefault();
>         window.location.href = ""; // Vervang door jouw iOS App Store link
>       });
>     } else if (os === "Android") {
> = "block";
>       androidLink.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
>         event.preventDefault();
>         window.location.href = ""; // Vervang door jouw Android Play Store link
>       });
>     }
>   });
> </script>


Can someone take a look and help me out of this pickle!


For anyone else running into this issue, ive made this script here which provides an easy way to hide or show elements based on OS, device, or browser :)