Lightbox bug no scrolling/navigation through thumbnail images


I’ve checked my browser extensions and doesn’t appear to be anything that would be stopping the scroll. Just checked whilst using incognito mode and error is still reproduced, sorry I can’t record my screen at work.

The link to the demo published site is and I’ve used custom code in several places as I’ve created CMS based lightboxs and sliders whilst using javascript to select the correct opening hours in the marquee scrolling text- I wonder if the custom injections I’ve used for the lightbox could be the problem? The tutorial I followed for this CMS lightbox is Full CMS Lightbox! .

My custom CMS lightbox can be found under any of the tabs on . But for the purposes of this issue I have crated a standard test page with a normal lightbox at which doesnt scroll either.

Here is a screenshot of the console but I don’t think this is what your after…let me know if I’ve screen shot the wrong thing…