Hey Guys,
I am not much of a coder. I needed a news ticker on my site and bought out a jquery plugin. I am running into issues integrating it and was wondering if anyone could help.
You can see the news ticker in action on http://codecanyon.net/item/jnewsbar-jquery-floating-news-ticker-bar/full_screen_preview/4374883
These are the steps that I followed:
- Uploaded the css and the js file to dropbox
- In the custom code section of the site, added the following lines:
Added a div to the page and gave a class name “latest-news”. Also, gave it an ID of “latest-news”
Added an HTML embed inside the div and in the HTML embed settings - custom code, added the code:
- Published the site - I am not using custom domain as this is only a test bed for me.
The share URL is https://preview.webflow.com/preview/ms-playground?preview=undefined
On publishing, this is what I see:
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help will be welcome and thanks in advance.