Laggy website when scrolling & loading

When scrolling through my website, i experience a extreme amount of lag. I have tried to reduce image size and it didnt help. Does anyone know why this is happening? Has it something to do with the font?

Our website:

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


​Riley here from the Webflow support team. Thank you so much for reaching out!

There seems to be some custom code that is activating a typing animation. When I first scroll to that area, there seems to a little lag while everything loads.
Shared with CloudApp

Do you experience any improvements after temporarily removing this animation?

Let me know and I would be more than happy to continue investigating here.


Thank you for the respons! I noticed an improvement after removing it!

we really liked that animation, is there an alternative to that typewriter animation that doesnt cause performance issues?

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