JPG/PNG Scrolling Sequence

I’m trying to do a frame by frame sequence while scrolling down. So it’s like an animation activated when you scroll down. I haven’t figured it out yet.

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Can you please describe your problem or request in more details?

I’m trying to do a frame by frame sequence while scrolling down. So it’s like an animation activated when you scroll down. I haven’t figured it out yet.

@r7a7a7- I can see that you are new here. Welcome to the forums. Repeating your initial post is not helpful when asking for help. You really are not providing enough details. If you can be more specific the chances are much higher that you could get a helpful answer.

You can run animations on scroll, and animations can have sequences or steps.

It would be best to study what you can do with Interactions. There is an excellent set of video tutorials / courses here that fully demonstrate what you can do and how to accomplish the ones shown.

Sorry about that guys! My bad!
I have this as a reference of what I’m trying to do.

Go see my case study page here The part with exactly what you need is after the " The other pages" section. Take a look at my site in the designer to see how I did it

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Cool, thanks! I appreciate it!

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