Issue with actions on forms

Hi, I have been using Action on forms for some time very successfully to send form data to an external API using a form to JSON transcriber.

Today for the first time I am having problems. The Action box in Forms seems to hate https: and is prefixing all my “actions” with http?

Webflow Bug

I have tried it on a clean test site and it still tries to prefix http to all my actions.

If I put the URL after the http:// that webflow seems to be adding it does work but I get a warning about it being unsafe.


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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I’m also having the same problem. Just touching one of my working forms applied this prefix and broke it. :neutral_face:.

I’ve even tried to add it as a custom attribute below and it’s saying that action is reserved.

Please fix this or provide a workaround as all of my sites are going to break whenever I need to update a form.

Webflow fixed this within 6 hours of it being reported. Well done Webflow.

Hey Chris.

I’m still getting this problem on my end (prefix http:// is being forced). Did this go away for you?



Yes it did, I raised a ticket and they fixed it.

I hope it hasn’t returned!

I think it’s still a problem (maybe they fixed a specific project for you?). I just created a fresh project and the http:// is still being forced.

Form Action Test

Just now

Maybe my requirements are different. But I need to be able to enter “/thanks” without HTTP or HTTPS. This problem will break all my form integrations with netlify forms.

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