Is there a way to enable editors to add buttons to blog posts?

We have content editors adding blog posts to our website. We are moving over from squarespace. Most of blog posts have at least 1 CTA (they link to different places). Is there a way for editors to add buttons in blog posts? Is anything that can be done in Design mode to set up Editors to add buttons?

I saw this: Switch field | Webflow University
Which is not very helpful for my context and it is unclear to me how to set that up with a button.

Anyone else run into this issue? What are your workarounds?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

From my understanding — There is no way for editors to add <button> element. There is a wishlist item on creating a <button> block. But not much else from the Webflow Team on making this a possibility as shown in this thread .

I recommend you pre-design (3-4) CTA options and locations using a Link Block. Then connect a CMS Link field to the Link Block element. This will allow editors/users to input their own links as needed.

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