Is retrieving URL post form submission possible if cookies are rejected


We’ve implemented a brief code to capture the visitor’s URL upon form submission. This helps us identify if the lead has a gclid and, if it’s the case, determine the specific ggads campaign they are arriving from.

The challenge arises when a user declines cookies, as it restricts our access to the URL.

But my understanding was that refusing cookies primarily impacted third-party cookies.

Since we exclusively use first-party cookies (without the need for third-party software to retrieve the URL), why does it affect this process ?

Could someone provide clarification on this matter?

If someone could provide with a working step by step process to retrieve the URL 100% of the times aswell, that’d be great ^^

Thank you.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Selim,

Of course, you could just avoid or ignore cookie suppression and notify users that using your site means they will be cookie-tracked. Check your target locales for legalities.

However keep in mind that the point of do-not-track requests is exactly as it reads, they don’t want to be tracked from the ad they clicked. It’s an unfortunate reality but in most cases, you just suffer with the missing data, and treat any conversions as source unknown.

Overall, your stats will still be useful in determining your winning ads.

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Thank you very much for your answer

How could I determine winning ads if half the data is missing because half of the people didn’t accept cookies, I’m confused ?

10 leads could yields less ROAS than 3 leads in my business, so I find it difficult to track campaigns effectiveness sadly…

Get your conversions count and value, track backwards to origin ad, and multiply by CPC.
ROAS = total conversion value / the spend for those conversions.

Adjust over time if you’re calculating lifetime value.

If you’re dealing with extremely low traffic volume, any statistics would have very limited value.
But generally I’d see a loss of 30% of that signal through cookie suppression, so you simply calculate based on the data you have