Is it possible to interact with the root <html> element, specifically where it shows up in the Designer

I normally apply a font size to the <html> element, and then to the <body> so I can use 1rem as a line-height unit, like traditional “leading”. I can do it where it shows up correct in the published site, but ideally it would show up this way in the Designer view while I’m working on the site. Doesnt’ seem to render the custom code there. Any ideas? Am I missing something?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Not sure what’s wrong but I usually do the same as you and set my html font with the custom code just fine. Like so:

html { font-size: 18px; }

edit: this goes into the embed element on the page, of course, which you then make a symbol and paste on all other pages.

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does it show up in the Designer editor though?

Yes, since it is an embed it does.

Oooooh, ok, I see what you mean. I suppose that’s not too bad, thanks for sharing.

Did this answer your question? Is it working in designer as expected?

Yeah, yeah, it totally is. And I realize I could make it a symbol too, only took a few minutes to paste across my template pages and now I can update it in one place just about as easily. Works great, thanks so much!

Making a symbol is exactly how I use me custom embeds! Good to know you’re good