I have a bunch of images and I want to show a centered text (currently located in a 100vw x 100vh div) when the mouse-overs an image.
My problem is that since these titles are inside a full screen div, I cannot access the images to apply the mouse over because they are behind the div-block with the titles.
Exactly like this GIF above.
Hey @Rodhzz, you should be able to achieve this without using a full screen div for the Title. Your title and Images’ container can be on the same level. Apply absolute position on the images’ container and use Flex settings to center the Title.
You can share the read-only link for me/others to check out your setup now and see what we can change.
It worked properly! Thank you so much for this, you have no idea about how useful your help was.
Quick question: Do I really need to have it inside the image div? I tested as a separate div outside and worked properly too.