Infinite scroll Wewebflow tutorial works... except for images?

Hi! First post here.

I followed this tutorial to set up infinite scroll, and it works, except the images in the collection item do not load for any of the collection items that load after the initial items.

I have paginated items set to 9. Anything after 9 will load, but without images.

In other words, only text loads after the first 9 items.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I checked you site but I couldn’t find the section with infinite scroll.

Embarrassing… I turned it off last night trying to figure out the problem. I have since turned it back on and now I have lost infinite scrolling… I am not sure what is happening.

Did you fixed your issue? I’ve got the same issue